
        The protagonist of the novel or story was Meursault. He was involved with every scene in the book. Through out the whole book, Meursault is very careless and ignorant. He never really cares about anything that happens or for anyone he meets. This also comes to Meursault being existential. He is existential because everything he does is the way he likes it. It all revolves around him and what makes him happy. Existentialism is a philosophy. Meursault is kind of existential.
         The antagonist of the story is also Meursault. He faces himself with inner conflict. He faces himself with kind of deciding sides on what he feels about things like whether he wants to die. He has inner conflict with himself. But the Arab is also the antagonist. He is the antagonist because he had cut Raymond in the arm and started their conflict.
         One minor character but still important was Raymond. Raymond lives off of women. That is the main reason the conflict started. He asked Muersault to write a letter for him so he could get revenge for this girl he liked. Then after he beat her, her brother was mad which was the Arab. Then they started the problem and Meursault ended up shooting him. Raymond is also careless, that is why he and Meursault are friends.
         Another minor character was Marie Cardona. Marie was Meursault's girlfriend. Before she was his girlfriend, she was a former-typist and they worked with each other in the same building. Meursault met her at the beach the day after Maman's death. They had a great time on that day which makes his situation later even worse. She is kind of loving for him and she really likes him. she is also affectionate for him but he isn't loving or affectionate back. Marie is kind of sensitive In my point of view.


        One major setting in the book was at the beach by Masson's beach house. On the beach  is where Raymond, Masson, and Meursault started their real conflict with the Arabs because Raymond had been cut by one of the Arabs with a knife. Then this is where Meursault had shot the Arab with a revolver that Raymond gave him. Then this murder led to Meursault's execution.
        Another major setting in the book was Meursault's prison cell. It could also be the prison, but it was mostly the prison cell. This is where Meursault had to spend most of his time. In his cell, his mind kind of changed about something. In the end when he had the conversation with the priest, the priest kept annoying him and it triggered something in his head. He ended up yelling at him and he kind of opened up to something. I had to reread it over and over again to kind of understand it a little. But his mind was changed a little after the conversation. He kind of knew he was guilty and he felt open to it. He says in the book, "I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." He had accepted his death after that conversation with the chaplain. The second part mostly took place in his prison cell.


                 Point of View

        The three main types of point of view are first person, third person limited, and third person omniscient. There are also second person limited and second person omniscient. The main point of view in my novel The Stranger, is first person. I can tell right away that it is narrated in first person because it uses words such as I, me, we, and us. One example of this is when Meursault says, "Naturally, I gripped Raymond's gun inside of my jacket." The word I indicates first person. Another example is,"Her tongue cooled my lips and we tumbled in the waves for a moment." My and we also indicate that it is first person. It is also first person because you only know the feelings of one character. In The Stranger, I is oftenly used when Meyrsault is speaking. Another example that uses I is when he is with Marie, he always says,"......I wanted her......". These are examples that show or indicate that the point of view is first person.

                Literary Devices

        One literary device used in The Stranger was a simile. On the last page of chapter six when Meursault is on the beach with the Arab. The Arab had held up his knife and blinded Meursault. This was the simile that was used, "The light shot off the steel and it was like a long flashing blade cutting at my forehead." The word ,like, indicates that it is a simile because similes use like or as to compare two unlike things. A simile is a literary device used in the Stranger.
        Another literary device that was used in The Stranger was imagery. It was used during Maman's funeral. The imagery was, "Then there was the church and the villagers on the sidewalks, the red geraniums on the graves in the cemetery, Perez fainting(he crumpled like a rag doll), the blood-red earth spilling over Maman's casket, the white flesh of the roots mixed in with it, more people, voices, the village, waiting in front of a cafe, the incessant drone of the motor.............." In this imagery sentence or whatever, you can imagine that you can see, hear, and touch things. So this indicates the use of imagery. It really has a lot of detail.




Exposition: Meursault's mother died. He was at her funeral but he was very careless of her death. We are introduced to the main character which is Meursault. Right away in the first chapter you can tell that Meursault is ignorant and only cares about himself and what makes him happy. So we are introduced to the philosophy of existentialism. He doesn't want to be at Maman's funeral because he says he is tired. Maman's funeral was an important event because this makes Meursault's problem later even worse. Also during the funeral Meursault met the caretaker and the director. He had a smoke with the caretaker which is another incident that will make his problem later worsen.
Rising Action: The day after Maman's funeral, Meursault encountered one of his former co-workers at the beach. They did some fun activities the rest of that day. Meursault had not once thought about Maman. Meursault encountered on of his friends Raymond while walking upstairs. Meursault made an agreement with Raymond saying that he would write him a letter so that he could get revenge on one of his girlfriends. He would make her come by his letter, then right before she leaves, he would beat her up. This is where the carelessness starts to kick in. He wrote the letter and everything went as planned. The lady's brother is mad because Raymond had beat her up. Meursault's boss had offered him a new job in Paris but Meursault said that he really doesn't care and that it wouldn't matter to him, so his boss was mad. Later on Marie also made an offer. She went to his apartment and said that she really loved him, but Meursault couldn't say it back. After that she made her offer, she said if he wanted to marry her, but he didn't give a straight forward answer so she was upset. Salamano had lost his dog and he let his emotions out. He is usually grumpy and mad, but since he lost his dog he let his emotions out. These were some of the minor characters that were introduced.
Climax: Earlier Meursault and Marie had been invited by Raymond to come with him to his friend's beach house. While they were leaving on the bus, they saw the brother of the lady Raymond had beat. The man was an Arab and he was also with a group of people. They later arrived to Masson's beach house, Masson is Raymond's friend. They had a good time, they played in the water and ate their meal. Meursault, Masson, and Raymond encountered the Arab and his friend. They tried to go at each other, but Raymond ended up getting cut in the arm and in the mouth by the Arab's partner. They went back and healed him. Later Meursault decided to come back. He had Raymond's revolver and he saw the Arab and walked towards him. The Arab blinded Meursault by holding up his knife in the sun. In his instinct, Meursault gripped the gun, pulled it out, fired once and killed the Arab, then he shot another four times. Carelessness had also struck Meursault in this part of the novel because he wasn't thinking when he shot the Arab. I had never expected Meursault to do this. This was the turning point in the novel.
Falling Action: Meursault had been put in prison for his murder. He was trialed in the court room. All the incidents that happened during Maman's funeral was making Meursault's situation worse right now. They were proving him as a monster because he didn't care about his own mother's death. All of the evidence is proving him to be guilty. He hadn't even been thinking when he killed the Arab. Nothing seems to show that Meursault is innocent. Most of this pat of the story takes place in the prison and courtroom. Meursault was kind of scared or worried that he would be proven guilty. Meursault kept visiting the magistrate in his office. Later it is decided that Meursault will be executed by the guillotine which Meursault says the problem with it is that he has no chance at all.
Conclusion: Meursault is going to be executed. After a visit with the chaplain, Meursault's mind had been changed. After his visit, Meursault was now accepting his execution, and accepts that he is going to die.


        The main theme in the book was carelessness. The theme was carelessness because that is what started the conflict. Meursault was careless so he didn't care if he wrote Raymond's letter so he could get revenge on this girl. So he got his revenge and the girl's brother was mad. So he decided to follow them around everywhere. When they were at the beach they encountered each other. The two Arabs and Meursault, Masson, and Raymond. They started kind of a fight that would eventually lead to Meursault's conflict. Meursault had shot the Arab and he really didn't care. He ended up in jail later he will find out his punishment. So carelessness eventually leads to the whole conflict of the novel. That is why carelessness is the main theme.


1(noun)gist- the main point-  Summaries are used to get the gist out of passages, chapters, or paragraphs.

2(noun)hearse- vehicle used to carry a body over to the grave- Sometimes, walking onside of a hearse while walking to the cemetery or graveyard, is way of showing respect to the dead.

3(adjective)oblong- rectangular and longer than broad- Hearses are often made oblong so the casket will fit perfectly inside with space. 

4(adjective)oppressive- burdensome; cruel and unjust- On the hot summer day, and with the dark, thick, black uniforms, the sun was just making it seem oppressive.

5(noun)guillotine- a device used for beheading a person by means of a heavy blade that is dropped between two posts serving as guides; widely used during the french revolution- Although the guillotine was a very harsh punishment in the olden days, it was better because it would chop your head off right away and get it over with, as to having a disease that causes pain and lasts for months.

6(noun)chaplain- an ecclesiastic attached to the chapel of a royal court, college, etc.. or to a military unit- The court system often use chaplains to help out the criminals and convert them to the good side with God.

7(adjective)plausible- credible, having an appearance of truth or reason- Even when you are the bad guy in a court room situation, you have to admit that the prosecutor does a very plausible job. He really tells the truth and has reason.

8(adjective)premeditated- done deliberately; planned in advance- Most of the time, when investigators can't find any evidence in a crime scene, it is because the criminal's crime was probably premeditated.

9(noun)inevitable- that which is unavoidable;(adjective)sure to occur, happen, or come- The only inevitable of a person's life, is death.
10(adjective)conspicuous- easily seen or noticed; readily visible or noticeable- It is very conspicuous that there are a lot of people in the world. It is also very conspicuous that the Sun and Moon are very bright.


            I myself, really did not enjoy the book that much. I did not think it was that entertaining. I thought it was kind of boring. I am just saying my opinion and being honest. Although I thought it was boring, I would still recommend it to someone. It is an easy book to read, like the words are easy and the sentences are short, but It has more to it. You really need to understand it and kind of see the situation from different views. You have to be able to comprehend it.