Isat Vocabulary

    This page will have vocabulary words we will need to know for our ISAT(Illionois Standard Achievement Test) tests.

1.etymology- an account of the history of a particular word or element of a word
2.fable- a short tale to teach a lesson or moral, often with inanimate objects or animals as characters
3.base word- a word to which affixes may be added too create related words: root word
4.hyperbole- obvious and intentional exaggeration
5.aspect-the plot, setting, tone, mood, point of view, etc., all of the elements of fiction; literary aspects
6.stanza- an arrangement of a certain number of lines, usually four or more, sometimes having a fixed length, meter, or rhyme scheme, forming a division of a poem.
7.third person objective- narration in which the narrator only knows the people's actions and words, not fellings or thoughts
8.third person omniscient- point of view in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story; uses words like they, them,etc.
9.volume- a collection of written sheets bound together and constituting a book; one book of a related set or series
10.emphasize- to give force or intensity of expression that gives special impressiveness or importance to something