Elements of Fiction

One element is the plot. The plot is what happens in the story. It is what mainly any book is about. Every book or story has a plot and conflict. Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. First is the exposition. In this step the main characters are introduced and the setting. We are also introduced to the main problem. Then comes the rising action. It begins to develop the conflict. A building of interest or suspense occurs. Next is the climax. It is the turning point in the story, the main character comes face to face with the conflict. The main character will change in a way . After this is the falling action. All loose ends of the plot are tied up. The conflict and the climax are all taken care  of. Lastly, the resolution. The story comes to a reasonable ending. And this is the plot.                                                                                                                 
Another element of fiction is the theme. The theme is the moral of the story. So only one word describes the moral like the moral of The Outsiders is brotherhood or friendship. The moral of stories can be war, brotherhood, caring, creativeness, imagination and many more but these are just a couple.
The main character is called the protagonist. He or she is always involved in the main conflict. He or she is always involved in the story. The opposite of the protagonist is the antagonist. The anagonist is the enemy of the main character.
The setting provides us when and where the story took place. The setting usually utalizes all of the five senses, touch, hear, sight, smell, and taste. It uses descriptive words to describe the setting and let the reader picture the scene.
In stories there are point of views. One point of view is first person. First person is the most common view. When used it uses words such as I,me,we,us and many more. First person lets you know only the feelings of one person or the main character. Another point of view is third person omniscent. In this point of view the narrator knows all of the feelings of most characters in the story as oppose to first person. The last common point of view is third person limited. This point of view only lets the narrator know the feelings only of the main character and one more character. It allows the narrator to be able to feel more free than first person but less than third person omniscent.
The conflict is the problem that is in the story. The conflict is usually caused by the antagonist which is the enemy. The conflict and the plot are usually what the reader looks for in a story. A conflict always has to be in a story unless its just a factual book. Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot. There are different types of conflicts. One type of conflict is character vs. character. In this conflict, the character is having a problem with the antagonist or just someone else in the story. Another type of conflict is character vs. nature. In here the main character is having a problem with the natural elements of Earth such as natural disasters. Character vs. society is a conflict between the main character and a larger group. And another one also is character vs. self. This conflict is when the character experiences some kind of inner conflict with him or her self.
A flashback is what you can usually find in a fiction book. A flashback is when you have a memory about or from the past that is caused by something that is happening in the present. Authors use flashbacks so the reader can understand more about what is happening about their readings. You have to look for flashbacks, it wont exactly tell you when they're there. You really have to look for them.
These are the main elements of fiction, hope you learned something and keep explorong!