
     In science class we did a science experiment with this gooey green stuff called Oobleck! Oobleck came from an ocean on the moon. There was a lot of Oobleck in the ocean. We studied the properties of Oobleck during the experiment and we also saw that the Oobleck stuck to steel or metal a lot more than it did to wood. It also left your hands soft after it dried off your hands so it could make a great lotion. Oobleck is basically gooey green stuff that is both a solid and a liquid because it's watery at the top and hard at the bottom. We decided that the laws of Oobleck were that it's green, it's a solid and a liquid, and it dried when left on a surface. When it gets on your hand its heavy because it kind of weighs your hand down. So my teacher made us design a spacecraft that is able to land on an ocean of Oobleck having the passengers safe, being able to move around, and take off. Seems hard right, well its actually pretty easy because im finished already. We got really dirty but who cares. So this is what we did with Oobleck and this is what it is. Remember to keep exploring the site and have fun!

                                                  Science Fair!