In this page I will be giving definitions of words that I don't know the meaning of.

1 (verb)scudded- went really fast, blew by- On the dark stormy night the clouds scudded across the sky.
2 (adjective)wraithlike- ghostlike,see through, transparent- On the foggy misty night, you could still see the moon through the wraithlike clouds.
3 (adjective)uncanny- weird,unusual- The two brothers were always made fun of because of their uncanny way of playing and talking.
4 (noun)diction- choice of words- Surprisingly, the young boy had an extremely large diction when speaking to others.
5 (adjective)raucous- hoarse and loud,noisy- The little girl couldn't go to sleep because the thunder was rather raucous
6 (verb)gallivanting- traveling about for pleasure- The traveler loved gallivanting around the world since he had nothing to do.
7 (verb)coax- to influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering- The young man tried to coax the man to help the poor by giving some food.
8 (adjective)assiduous- diligent; careful and industrious- The man had to be really assiduous in order to carry all of the glass objects.
9 (adjective)sabbatical- religious- In order for the man to become a priest, he had to be dedicated and very sabbatical.
10 (noun)portmanteau- large traveling bag- The traveler had to have a portmanteau because he was going all around the world.
11 (verb)decapitate- behead;cut the head off of- In the olden days, a very harsh punishment was that a king would behead a person for something he or she did.
12 (noun)tumult- uproar, confusion- In the tornado the little kid was in major tumult, for he didn't know what was going on.
13 (adjective)lurid-glowing strangely, shocking- The falling strange meteor was very lurid in the night sky for everyone could see it. 
14 (noun)spinney-forest- The large spinney had a lot of room for animals.
15 (verb)encumber-hinder, keep back- I had to encumber my brother from starting a fight or he would get in trouble.
16 (noun)cockchafer-large beetle- The cockchafer scared Indiana Jones in the temple because he had never seen one so large.
17 (adjective)lucent- clear, shining- The new shiny car's windows were very clean and lucent.
18 (adjective)terse- concise or brief- When you write a summary it should always be short and terse.
19 (verb)endorse-to approve or support- My parents tried to endorse me to do the hardest projects for class so my teacher would be impressed.
20 (verb)hinder- to stop, interrupt or delay- I had to hinder my brother from starting a fight or he would get in trouble.
21 (adjective)morose- miserable or depressed- The morose little girl wanted to kill herself because nobody liked her.
22 (verb)usurp- to take over by force- Hitler tried to usurp the whole world but he couldn't because everyone fought back.
23 (adjective)placid- peaceful, quiet, or calm- Whenever I read a book I need to be in a placid place so I can really understand it.
24(noun)wrath- anger or rage- The only reason the evil villain had so much wrath towards Christmas was because Santa never got him what he wanted.
25(verb)veto- to reject or refuse- The doctor could not veto performing the surgery because the man needed it badly or he would pass off.
26(adjective)concise- brief, to the point- When you write a summary, you must remember to always be concise, because they're not supposed to be long essays.
27(adjective)akin- similar or compatible- The little boy never knew what to draw, so all of his drawings were akin because he always drew the same thing.
28(verb)sustain- maintain or keep up- In order to stay in the gifted program, you must sustain your grades to at least an A or B average because this program expects the most out of you.
29(adjective)adroit- skillful or experienced- I trusted the man to fix my car because he had been given a certificate by the state as an adroit mechanic.
30(verb)mingle- to mix or bring together- Very often, companies selling chips or sodas try to mingle two flavors because It's the combination of two tasty flavors.
31(adjective)blithe- carefree and happy- The boy was having so much fun and he was so blithe, that he ended up breaking his dad's flatscreen T.V.
32(adjective)garish- bright and showy- The rich woman's dress was so garish, it made all the other fabulous dresses look like dull cheap things.
33(verb)rave- to express with wild enthusiasm- The boy was so excited about his grades, he decided to rave about it and put up posters around the whole city.
34(noun)skirmish- a minor battle or argument- Often when skirmishes occur, they only include talking and arguing, as oppose to kicking and fighting.
35(verb)flaunt- to show off or exhibit shamelessly- To make fun of the poor little girl, Jessica decided to flaunt her most expensive items and clothes at school.
36(verb)reproach- to express criticism or disapproval- When my mom doesn't like the people I hang out with, she often reproaches of them.
37(adjective)obscure- hidden or out of sight- The soldiers camouflaged themselves as much as they could, so that they could be perfectly obscure in the enemy base.
38(noun)verity- truth, actuality- The verity of life is that you are born, and some day you will eventually die.
39(adjective)absurd- ridiculous or unreasonable- It is very absurd when children don't do their homework and they make up excuses of why they didn't do it.
40(adjective)lyric- pleasant sounding, expressing feelings- The love music was very lyric to the couple because they were able to relax and enjoy themselves.